18 July 2011

Dedicated to our beloved ayah ~Happy Birthday To You~

Mahzuz: My wound is healed

Assalam and hello to all our cyber friends. Hope all of you are doing well...

Xing Yun: She still has her collar with her name - we lost ours :/

I am here again to update our blog but today is a special entry dedicated to our beloved ayah. Today is his birthday and we would like to wish him a very happy birthday.

Ayah, may God bless you with health, wealth and prosperity for the rest of your life.

Auni: She still has her collar with her name too! She's really good of keeping her belongings.

We are so thankful to our ayah because he always takes care of us. Everyday he would play with us especially when we were little. However he still does the same things to fill our day. Ayah is very creative because he would always have new ideas to play games with us and we really have fun in every moment we spend with him.

Yoruhime: She likes to hiss at us :(

As a special day for ayah, we want him to be happy but we have nothing to give him as a birthday present. Therefore we hope ayah will like our special entry for him ;)

Here are our latest pictures which we could upload here to show him how much we love him and for all our friends hope you all like our pictures too ;)

Alif: He is ayah's favourite fur kid ;)

Khayla: She is doing very well... She sleeps with umie every night :p

Romie: He just got neutered but after being neutered, he became very aggressive!

CP : He will be neutered too! Umie will make an appointment ASAP for him :D

Nimra: She is being naughty because she likes to hang outside most of the time

Hana: She is getting better but umie has to take her to the vet again to examine her health condition :S

Li Wei: The new kitten umie rescued last few weeks. His wound has already healed and his tail's fur is growing. He is very active! He always wants us to play with him :D

We hope all of you enjoy reading this entry and looking at our pictures... At the moment it is only us in the house... We hope to have more brothers and sisters with us in the future :)

Until we meet in another entry... we wish all of you a very happy day... Take care...


Mahzuz and the gang


Old Kitty said...

Romie has very very very pretty eyes!! How beautiful!!

Awww HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your Ayah!! May his day be very special and full of love and laughter!!

Pretty Mahzuz - me and Charlie are so glad to see your throat wound all healed up! Yay!

Xing Yun, Auni Yoruhim and Khayla - you are all looking just perfect!

CP - good luck with the neutering- you're adorable!

Nimra!! You must stay with umi_e and not stray outside! Yay!

Hana - we hope you get better real soon!

And sweet and gorgeous Li Wei! Awwww you are just precious!! Take care everyone!! We loved all your pics and enjoyed looking at them!! xx

umi_e said...

Old Kitty... Thank you very much for your kind thought... You always be the first to meet us here :)

meowwmania said...

wahh dah lama tak dgr khabar anak-anak bulu kak E

dah semakin bertambah nampaknya, mudah-mudahan rezeki kak E sekeluarga juga semakin melimpah ruah amin..

oh! selamat hari lahir juga utk Ayah!

m.q said...

happy birthday to your Ayah!!!

we miss u Mahzuz...and all your catlings

much love;
BoBo Salem, ChaCha, Sachiko & Kochie

umi_e said...

meowwmania... terima kasih

m.q... thanks

m4rilyn said...

makin comei semua ahli kluarga.

happy birthday Ayah~Godbless

umi_e said...

M4rilyn... Thanks :) <ahzuz handsome kan? :p

AHP Pie@Mohamad bin Wahid said...

ilmu, iman dan ehsan.
mudah disebut jarang dihayati.

sentiasa menghargai insan yg penuh nilai kasih syg terhadap sesama makhluk.


Wady said...

Huish, macam-macam nama dia bagi kat kucing ni ya. Yang nama Isabella xde ke? Oh ya.. Kalau korang nak jual/beli kucing atau lain-lain haiwan peliharaan, layari Uniaga.com Pet Marketplace. Free je.