We would like to wish all of you a very Happy Chinese New Year... especially to our friends who are celebrating this special festival :)
Xing Yun (the Mandarin Chinese word for 'lucky') was posing and wearing her cheongsam and the rabbit's years special for this 2011 Chineses new year...
This year the Lunar New Year falls on February 3rd and it is the most important festival of the traditional Chinese. The Chinese New Year consist of a period of celeRabbition, starting on new year's day. It means that the new year will be celeRabbited on the fisrt day of the month of the Chinese calender.
Rabbits, especially ones with white fur, are also a symbol of longevity in traditional Chinese culture. The ancient Chinese believed it was the incarnation of Alioth, the brightest stars of the Triones.
Love from all of us :-*
Mahzuz and Co
Awww beautiful and wonderful Xing Yun!!! You are a fabulous star for being a very important Rabbit!!! Me and Charlie wish you and Mahzuz and all your furblings and of course the lovely umi_e and family a very happy Chinese New Year!!!! May you all have good health and happiness and long lives! Take care
happy CNY n happy holiday.
Xing Yun looks really cute in that costume :)
hehe...comelnya Xing Yun
akk buat sendiri ke baju tu?
Harry Spotter, hope you could go to the China Town to celebrate CNY :)
Old KItty, thanks... actually umie still very sad
M4rilyn, thank you ;)
meowwmania, beli... kat PET SAVE ada banyak sangat dan cantik2 tau
… ....Gong Xi Fat Coi……..
Wish you healthy always
....lllllll........ lllllll .......lllllll....
Salam dari kami…
alahaiiiii comelnyerrrr ..... siap pakai baju dan telinga rabbit tuuuu....
kalau dulu ade pepatah musang berbulu ayam... kali ni kucing bertelinga arnab.... pepatah zaman moden
ala la lah tomei nya dia!!
Beautiful photos!
sweet nye dorang semua...dah jd cam rabbit!
Saya menyeru kepada semua sahabat untuk sama-sama kita berdoa bagi keselamatan dan kesejahteraan para pelajar dan rakyat Malaysia di Mesir.Semoga Allah swt melindungi mereka semua dari segala malapetaka dan bahaya
Bestnya Umie ni, penyayang, pandai masak, pandai jahit, pandai menghias...
semuga umie sekeluarga bahagia sentiasa, aminn...
Xing Yun looks lovely with her cheongsum and rabbit hat. Where on earth did you get that rabbit ears?
Our human was born in the year of the rabbit.
Happy holidays and have a great week ahead.
hahaha, cute gle
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