20 July 2011

Wordless Wednesday

Assalam and hello to all our cyber friends. Hope all of you are doing well...

Today is Wednesday and this is my first time entry on Wordless Wednesday :)
I think I should post an entry every Wednesday :p

Until we meet again in another entry... we wish all of you a Wonderful Wednesday... Take care...


Mahzuz and the gang

18 July 2011

Dedicated to our beloved ayah ~Happy Birthday To You~

Mahzuz: My wound is healed

Assalam and hello to all our cyber friends. Hope all of you are doing well...

Xing Yun: She still has her collar with her name - we lost ours :/

I am here again to update our blog but today is a special entry dedicated to our beloved ayah. Today is his birthday and we would like to wish him a very happy birthday.

Ayah, may God bless you with health, wealth and prosperity for the rest of your life.

Auni: She still has her collar with her name too! She's really good of keeping her belongings.

We are so thankful to our ayah because he always takes care of us. Everyday he would play with us especially when we were little. However he still does the same things to fill our day. Ayah is very creative because he would always have new ideas to play games with us and we really have fun in every moment we spend with him.

Yoruhime: She likes to hiss at us :(

As a special day for ayah, we want him to be happy but we have nothing to give him as a birthday present. Therefore we hope ayah will like our special entry for him ;)

Here are our latest pictures which we could upload here to show him how much we love him and for all our friends hope you all like our pictures too ;)

Alif: He is ayah's favourite fur kid ;)

Khayla: She is doing very well... She sleeps with umie every night :p

Romie: He just got neutered but after being neutered, he became very aggressive!

CP : He will be neutered too! Umie will make an appointment ASAP for him :D

Nimra: She is being naughty because she likes to hang outside most of the time

Hana: She is getting better but umie has to take her to the vet again to examine her health condition :S

Li Wei: The new kitten umie rescued last few weeks. His wound has already healed and his tail's fur is growing. He is very active! He always wants us to play with him :D

We hope all of you enjoy reading this entry and looking at our pictures... At the moment it is only us in the house... We hope to have more brothers and sisters with us in the future :)

Until we meet in another entry... we wish all of you a very happy day... Take care...


Mahzuz and the gang

13 July 2011

After 3 months...

Look at my wound!~ - but it's healing now :)

Assalam and hello to everyone out there...

First of all I would like to tell you that we miss all of you so much!!! I would also want to apologize for my laziness in updating our blog. I myself was not well and wounded my throat but now I have recovered. The wounded is now healed. I'll ask umie to upload my latest pics ;)

Chiku will always be in our hearts

Today is the 13th of July and exactly 3 months since our beloved Chiku went missing... It's not only that today is the 13th, but also Wednesday, the day Chiku suddenly disappeared :( Since he is lost, we keep praying and hoping that he will come back home. Whatever it is, our thoughts will always be with him.
Ryzki - few days after he was with us - umie took him traveled with her

Actually there were few things happened since my last entry... Umie had adopted new little kitty that we named him Ryzki but he was with us for a while when he also went missing :( Umie have looked around the block but still can't find him.

Ryzki cute face - we hope that he's in a good home if someone has taken him

After that, umie and kakak found a lady cat with fungi all over her body. They took her home and gave her some treatment. She is now doing well even though she is under medication due to her kidneys and lung problems. We hope that she will get better.

Hana - before

Hana now :)

Last two weeks when umie went to the bazaar, she saw a little kitty almost knocked down by a car, she took him home. He also had a big wound on his tummy. Umie took him to the vet and now he's doing well. His wound is also healing.

Look at his tail - he's lost his fur :p

The big wound on his tummy is healing

For the other members of the family, they are doing well. Khayla was on the Live Tv Show with umie last Sunday, for an interview about stray cats. Khayla behaved very well and she also looked very pretty. Umie said that she will bring me along if the tv producer invites her again ;) but I don't think I can behave as well as Khayla did.

Here is the link of umie's and Khayla during the tv interview. This is only part of the interview and we hope that the tv producer will invite umie again to talk about stray cats which are like all of us... We are all lucky strays that umie took home and became part of the family :)

Nimra is just like me, she likes to stay outside and umie doesn't like it :/

Xing Yun and Nimra, they are doing very well but Alif, Yoruhime and Auni had a cold. However they are recovering after umie took them to the vet. Romie was neutered last week and CP will get his turn soon :p

I guess, that's all what I can write for now... after three months of losing our beloved Chiku... where ever he is... he will always be in our heart and we will always be thinking of him...

Until we meet again, take care...

Love and hugs

Mahzuz & the gang