It's only two weeks I had this blog but it seems like I've had it for two years hehehehehehe:D
I am so lucky that my loving hb and kids help me alot with my blog. They really support me by helping me to take the pictures of the foods I have prepared and cooked. My eldest daughter always helps me with the postings. I just need to tell her what I want and she will do it for me :) ermmmmmm easy job eehhhhh ;)
Thanks for my understanding hb and kids... without them I don't think this blog will be how it is right now hehehehehehe :D
p/s: Thanks to my friends too... without you guys this blog would be dull...
k.e tak buat kek ke utk menyambut "ulang minggu"? hehehe
mula2 ulang minggu.. patu bulan.. pastu baru tahun :P hehehehe good idea ekkkk utk buat kek... next week i try to bake a cake sempemna cukup 3 minggu :D Thanks for the idea ;) muuahhhhhhhhhhhh
Amboii.. buka bakery nampak, Lilyyyyyyyyyyy.. nak curik resepi ko..
moy... camlah kau tak tau aku :P TAPI baru 2minggu ni aku dapat seru nak buat blog camni ;) Thanks sebab sudi singgah ke sini...rajin-rajin lah datang lagi ekkkk :D
kak e..tahniah yeaa...harap blog kak e akan berterusan....
Thanks mat :) baru 2 minggu tapi rasanya cam dah 2 tahun hehehehehehe tak taulah boleh bertahan ke tak ni... doa2kan lah ye ;)
Kak E. Nak tanya ni. Zulq tu sapa. Gender male lagi nih. Kawan2 dia brutal2 lak tuh.Ishk ishk. Sorry lah terpaksa remove sayurlabu dari contact list G. Fobia...
G... sorry... kak e tak berapa faham... nanti kak e msg G ok ;)
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