18 July 2008

Happy Birthday To You Darling!

Tya nak ke Australia capai cita-cita
Ingin menjadi arkitek yang berjaya
Hari ini ulang tahun suami tercinta
Semoga dilimpahi Allah rahmatNya

Hari ini ulang tahun hb umie tercinta :-* walaupun sudah berusia empat puluhan namun hb umie tetap kelihatan muda belia hehehehehe ( awet eehhh ayang :P )

Ayang my darling...

The great adventure of our life
Has led us to have three sweeties
We really cherish them as we live
Together with our beloved families

Your even-tempered constance
Makes you a wiser super man
And With honesty that is legend
You always negotiate each plan

You are our hope for tomorrow
You always have zest in your life
You also full with sense of humor
That Makes it fun to be your wife

Another thing that I have said
You try to turn tragedy to hope
With steady heart and level head
You have always helped me cope

Inquisitive with what you found
You're a type of person who inquires
Excited with natures and sounds
You are the sort the world admires

You know I adore you everyday
Because You mean so much to me
Today I celebrate your birthday
And with our girls that are all three

I would never trade you in my life
We have built and work together
I am proud to be your loving wife
I will always stay with you forever

Ayang... Happy birthday darling!


Tyazizul said...

wow..so sweet laa kak e..buat poem for husband..nak jugak ad suami..he he he...nway..nape kak e admirer?hihih..malu laa :P

Ted said...

happy besday to ur hubby sis.moga berkekalan jodoh hendakNYA ek?

cendawanintim said...

eppie besday to yr hubby, moga panjang umo dan dimurahkan rezeki..amin.

umi_e said...

Tya. ted and cendawanintim...

Thank you for the wishes :)

Keri AlHaj said...

Rasa terharu jer baca sajak tu... terer lah kak e karang sajak... hubby dah baca ke belum lagi tu??

Ucapkan selamat hari lahir utuk dia ya...

Akak said...

Salam Kak-e...

Sama ziarah & salam kenal...

Selamat hari Lahir buat darling kak-e, semuga dipanjangkan umur, dimurahkan rezeki, berbagahai selalu hendaknya disamping keluarga tercinta dan semua sentia mendapat keredhaan & keampunan Alla SWT..

Selalu nampak Kak-e kat blog Su..

umi_e said...

chimera... Terima kasih... hb kak e tak baca kot hehehehehhe (syok sendiri je huhuhu)

akak... Thanks... semoga kita semua berbahagia dan sejahtera...

arsaili said...

salam..wahhh happy birthday gak for ur hubby..semoga diberkati ALLAH selalu

Intan said...

Happy Birthday To Kak E's Darling!

Moga segala impian bakal jadi kenyataan!

Ummi said...

Alahaiii sori kak-e..terlepas kapal lah! X kira lah..nk wish jugak the very happy belated birthday to ur Mr.Hubby..hehe..Moga jadi teman setia sepanjang hayat..Berbahgia selalu hendaknya..